Sunday, October 11, 2009

Snapshot: Household

Married life has been a little hectic, to say the least. Adding one 11 year old boy into the mix has definitely changed things a LOT around here - but in a good way. There is always something going on, a ton more mess, a ton more laundry (he changes clothing more often than a 13 year old girl!), and a LOT more noise.

None of those things are bad things, except for the laundry. I'm thankful he at least has clean clothes on though - Rockboy would wear the same thing over and over again until I threatened his life if he didn't hand over some smelly t-shirt for the wash.

Something else has been claiming my attention as well - scrapbooking. I avoided scrapbooking like the plague for years because I knew that it would be like crack for me. I love paper and stickers and all the junk that goes along with it and I knew that collecting all the stuff would be just as obsession-making as the actual activity of scrapbooking.

Alas, Patient Reader, I fell prey right after the wedding when I saw a wedding scrapbook kit at Target and thought, "Oh, that would be nice for the wedding pictures. Everything is included and I won't have to buy anything else."

Famous last words.

I'm still working on the wedding scrapbook, but I've also been doing a few pages from the past year or so. . . Halloween 2008, Father's Day 2009. . . with Skaterboy's 11th birthday in the line-up, as well as a trip to the Farmer's Market this summer.

I have to say that it's been good for me though - I like doing something creative and this forces me to come up with something on my own, rather than just knitting a pattern that someone else designed. (I have NO desire to design knitting. None.)

So, that's life in the Roadie household these days. . . laundry, cooking, a little bit of scrapbooking, a whole LOT of wrestling on TV.

And, it's perfect. It's exactly what I wanted.