I'm totally stealing this idea from Autrice. Go visit her HERE.
Autrice says, "Annie is too clever for my own good. She found this fabulous idea for reviewing our year. "You simply write the first line of the first post of each month. Include a picture if you like and, voila, you have your year in review." Visit There is no place like home. You can also share it at My Romantic Home, which Annie found as well."
(Since I'm that lazy, I even stole the explanation of how to do this but I was much to lazy to do all the linking to Annie, There Is No Place Like Home, or My Romantic Home. If you're interested [and you should be] visit Autrice and make free and liberal use of her linking abilities!)

After a long stretch of hibernating, the 'chick finally left the house and did some shopping this weekend.

If it weren't for bad luck, the 'chick would have no luck at all.

Blogging can be very interesting sometimes.

Y'all, it's been Thursday for four days.

Redneck has informed the 'chick that this weekend, they will be going camping.

It's a holiday weekend which means the 'chick was released from work early, at 1:00.

If you look to the right, you will see that the 'chick has added a link to something called Roadchick Reviews.

It's September, isn't it?
I've been silent for a while now, and it's not that I've forgotten to write although I have been busy.
I have managed to catch a cold.

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!
In conclusion, all I can say is: I'm sorry that I have had such a lame-sounding year and that really, I am more interesting than this recap would prove.
Anyway - Happy New Year, y'all. Have fun and be safe!
See you in 2009!